Wednesday, July 21, 2010

more from the life of jake, timothy, arthur, dollcie, and molly.

So we went to the zoo for the last day of school holidays with the 4 cousins and two aunts. Arthur tells me his favourite animal was James his cousin. Must have seen him eat his lunch, common mistake. Jaked liked the tapir, but referred to it as the pig-cow-horse-ant eater-elephant-hippo-thing. It was a fun day.

So now Timothy is back at preschool and Jake at school, and I just want to say,"School Sucks!". I miss them and I know your all ( oh wait no followers....) think I'm crazy to want 5 kids at home all day but it's just fun. I have had I lot of people tell me to home school if like here that much which is great but I can't speel so that puts that to rest i guess

Well I guess I will just buy some more craft glue and plan some more craft fun for the next holis. I have explained to Dollcie that the craft glue is not to be used on people, and explain to Arthur that if Dollcie tells him to do something silly like glue himself to one of the dining chair he should say no. So next holis should go much smoother in that respect.

thanks for reading.

ps my favourite animal was Timothy, I liked him so much I bought him home.

1 comment:

  1. Love these blogs!! it does concern me a little that it was 4.34 in the morning?! Josie here, yes Timothy was pretty fab but i particularly liked when Arthur cried at the end of the day and when asked why said "i don't want to go home, i love people."
