Friday, July 2, 2010

to whom it may concern.....

So its school holidays and with 5 kids at home ready to be entertained I figure what better time to start my own blog, what with my ridiculous amount of free time! Not sure who would follow me but I'm sure the venting will do me good, plus there has to be someone out there who needs to know how to get yogurt out of a lounge cushion after their "darling" has done a "painting", or how to politely reply when a stranger comments on how you must not know whats the cause of your many children. Even how to cook with a toddler on your hip a baby in a sling hanging off you, and two preschoolers sitting on the bench telling you to add more of their favourite ingredients, while you eldest screams at you to help him with his homework?

Look in essence this is going to be a blog about living in a zoo, basically, a fun zoo with the greatest animals in the world: Jake, Timothy, Arthur, Dolcie, and Molly. At least to save the innocent that's how I'll be refering to them from here on in.

Enjoy all none of you......



  1. Love it!

    Only, what about that another animal - Aaron? :)

  2. thanks nath, have been trying to think of a name for papa bear. aaron will do nicely. who knows maybe jakes earthly idol nick will get a mention!

  3. Lol - I started blogging when I had four kids still at home, and little time to do spend at a computer - I just needed somewhere to put my crazy thoughts down!
